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Who Are The Nones? A Quick Look

Nones stands for Non-Religiously affiliated. By definition, this means if you put out a survey or a census asking what religion those people would associate with, they wouldn’t choose one at all - they would choose none.

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Elders, Senior Leaders Church Helper Elders, Senior Leaders Church Helper

Four Types of Team Conflict and How to Overcome Them

If you lead a team, sooner or later, you're going to run into conflict. Whether it's something someone said or did, eventually, there will be a moment when your team isn't on the same page. And the type of leader you are, combined with your personality, will influence when you notice it, how you deal with it, and how your team makes it through

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Elders, Senior Leaders, Family Ministry Church Helper Elders, Senior Leaders, Family Ministry Church Helper

Four Tips For Leading Your Team Well

A mistake a lot of people make is that they lead the way they think they’re "supposed to lead." So many people in leadership have a sense or an idea of the "right way" to do it because of a book they're read or a leader they follow. But so often, the thing that gets left out of the equation when deciding your leadership style is your team's personality.

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Senior Leaders, Elders, Family Ministry Church Helper Senior Leaders, Elders, Family Ministry Church Helper

Three Things Every Elder Should Know About Their Children's Ministry Leaders

Most Elders have self-identified as someone who believes that giving their time and talents to their local church something they're called to do. Most elders bring various skills and knowledge from their workplaces to create a well-rounded team. And most elders enjoy seeing people get to know Jesus and watching their church grow.

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