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The Difference Between Managing and Leading
One of the biggest balancing acts that a leader has to deal with daily is walking the line between bringing a Leader and being a Manager. Both approaches are important, and both have their time, but if you're the wrong one at the wrong moment, your team can get confused.
Three Things Every Elder Should Know About Their Children's Ministry Leaders
Most Elders have self-identified as someone who believes that giving their time and talents to their local church something they're called to do. Most elders bring various skills and knowledge from their workplaces to create a well-rounded team. And most elders enjoy seeing people get to know Jesus and watching their church grow.
What is Mission Drift?
Mission Drift is what happens when your church slowly moves away from where it's called by God to go. And we call it a mission drift because, typically, it happens very slowly. So slowly that often you don't even notice.
It's not a sprint away from your Mission; it's a slow, unnoticeable, sometimes undetectable, drift.
The Difference Between Mission and Method
In every church, and in every ministry, there are two things that are in constant competition with each other.
Your Mission, and Your Methods.
And if you don’t know how to tell the difference between the two, then you’re in for some frustrating days, and your church will be less effective in sharing the message of Jesus and loving your neighbours than it should be. So today we’re going to start a conversation about the difference between Mission and Method and going to help you, big time.
The New Loyalty
In almost every church I visit, people ask me this question:
“Mike, why aren’t young people committed to the church anymore? They seem to have forgotten about loyalty!”
Why don’t Millennials stick around at the churches they grew up in? Why aren’t they coming back to their ‘home church?'“
The Nones: Is This The End of Christianity in Canada
Where I live (in the Kitchener Waterloo area), Nones made-up 24% of the region in 2011 (and I would expect that number to be much higher today). Nationally the number of Nones has grown exponentially over the past 40 years from 4% of our population to about 24% as of 2011. As church leaders we can't ignore this - so the topic of Nones has quickly risen among church leaders in all denominations. Questions like ‘What do we need to know’ and ‘what do we do next’ are being asked.