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Hiring Great Staff at your Church

One of the biggest hurdles that churches face is the revolving door regarding staffing. Statistics show that ministry leaders and pastors are switching jobs or leaving ministry altogether in large numbers.

Matt Steen of Chemistry Staffing works daily with churches and potential staff members to help churches have a healthy staff culture and ensure their next hire is excellent. In this episode, Matt talks about the parts of the process you cannot skip when hiring, how to treat people well even when they aren't your choice, and why slowing down your process might be the best decision you make.

As always, let us know what you think!



Before You Go:

When To Leave:

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Church Helper Church Helper

A World Without Suicide

One area that churches are struggling to become resourced in and are starting to feel the pressure in the areas of mental health and suicide. So many pastors and elders don’t know where to turn for good resources and helpful advice. With that struggle in mind, we tried to do something that would help you out.

Mark specializes in motivational speaking, leading educational workshops, and suicide intervention instruction. You’re going to love this conversation.

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Church Helper Church Helper

The Journey To Christ is Different For the Nones

Inspired by the book "Rise of the Nones," here's a quick look at how culture has changed around us and how the Nones are seeing and hearing the gospel message differently than they were 40 years ago.

Challenge: Is there an adjustment you can make today that will help make your service more accessible? Let us know in the comments below!

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Church Helper Church Helper

Who Are The Nones? A Quick Look

Nones stands for Non-Religiously affiliated. By definition, this means if you put out a survey or a census asking what religion those people would associate with, they wouldn’t choose one at all - they would choose none.

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Family Ministry, Senior Leaders, Elders Church Helper Family Ministry, Senior Leaders, Elders Church Helper

Generational Gaps - Generation X and The Church

Generation X. The MTV Generation. A generation of slackers and cynics. Stereotypes aside, there's one other name given to this generation, and it's the one that might be the most accurate. Generation X, "the forgotten generation."

Now sometimes, when I'm around a group of Gen Xers, we can joke a little bit about them being forgotten, but the reality is that most people in that demographic that I come across really do feel that way – and the question you have to ask is why?

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Senior Leaders, Elders, Family Ministry Church Helper Senior Leaders, Elders, Family Ministry Church Helper

Three Things Every Elder Should Know About Their Children's Ministry Leaders

Most Elders have self-identified as someone who believes that giving their time and talents to their local church something they're called to do. Most elders bring various skills and knowledge from their workplaces to create a well-rounded team. And most elders enjoy seeing people get to know Jesus and watching their church grow.

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