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Elders, Senior Leaders Church Helper Elders, Senior Leaders Church Helper

Do you LOVE your church’s worship music?

If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times. Someone will come to me and say, "if we only had better / more contemporary / more relevant music, more people would stay at our church."

To be honest with you, even as a lover of quality music on a Sunday morning, I'm not sure that's entirely the case - and in this video, you get to see why!

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Elders, Senior Leaders, Family Ministry Church Helper Elders, Senior Leaders, Family Ministry Church Helper

Four Tips For Leading Your Team Well

A mistake a lot of people make is that they lead the way they think they’re "supposed to lead." So many people in leadership have a sense or an idea of the "right way" to do it because of a book they're read or a leader they follow. But so often, the thing that gets left out of the equation when deciding your leadership style is your team's personality.

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