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Elders, Senior Leaders Church Helper Elders, Senior Leaders Church Helper

Do you LOVE your church’s worship music?

If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times. Someone will come to me and say, "if we only had better / more contemporary / more relevant music, more people would stay at our church."

To be honest with you, even as a lover of quality music on a Sunday morning, I'm not sure that's entirely the case - and in this video, you get to see why!

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Elders, Senior Leaders, Family Ministry Church Helper Elders, Senior Leaders, Family Ministry Church Helper

Case Study: Mission and Method

I met with a church a few years back, and I asked them many of the same questions I presented in my previous post. I was sitting a team of leaders putting different church areas into a “Mission” or “Method” category. When I came to Sunday School, their answer was clear. They believed their Sunday School was a Mission in their church, not a method. 

As I often do in these moments, I asked them to explain…

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Elders, Senior Leaders Church Helper Elders, Senior Leaders Church Helper

Mission and Method in Every Conversation

We know that your mission is your purpose, and the method is how you're accomplishing it. But something you need to identify in every meeting is how each one manifests itself during a conversation. 

When I meet with churches to discuss mission and method, I'll start by listing a series of ministries or traditions that happen in that church, and I'll ask the group if they think that thing is a mission or a method of the church. 

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